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Take Care of YOUR Curly Hair


Are you constantly questioning what you should and shouldn't do to your curly hair? If you are, the blog for the week is the top 5 things you shouldn't do to your natural curls and how to correct the mistakes.

How to go from...



Let's correct the 5 top (no no's) of taking care of your curly hair.

  1. Over washing your hair.

A common mistake in taking care of curls is over washing. I know what everyone is going to say in the comments, how are you supposed to get through the knots every day? Wont my hair get matted? Simply, no. Use a leave in conditioner to get through the knots. Over washing your hair leads to damage, dryness, and breakage. Wash your hair 2-4 times a week.

2. Using shampoo and conditioners that contain sulfates.

When sulfates are applied to your curls, it often leads to brittle, dry, and coarse textures to your hair. Doing this also strips your hair of its natural oils. Always read the ingredient labels on the back of your products.

3. Using the wrong type of towel.

It seems natural to get out of the shower and wrap your hair up in same bath towel you use to dry yourself with. By doing that, it creates cuticle damage and leaves your hair in a frizzy mess. Instead, use a microfiber towel to eliminate the frizz and strands that stick up. You can also use the plopping method by wrapping your hair up into a t-shirt.

4. Never brush curly hair.

Let me clarify on the do not "brush" your hair. What I mean by this, is to not apply a bristled brush to your curls. In the long run, a hairbrush damages your hair by creating breakage, split ends, and can throw off your hair texture. Use a wide-toothed comb instead to remove the tangles. Comb from the bottom to the top very gently.

5. Do not use hot water.

This seems shockingly surprising I know. When you use hot water on your scalp, it strips away the natural oils your hair needs to glow and thrive. It also reveals the cuticle, making it vulnerable and your hair prone to frizz, which slowly breaks the strands of your hair.

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